From once upon till now. Making a conclusive list of the top 30 poetry classics across centuries and styles is quite a task! However, a diverse selection spans from antiquity to modern times, featuring titles, poets, years, styles, and some translations.
The help of search engines, research, and chatGPT suggests that poetry books throughout history might be crucial here.
"The Iliad"
Bard: Homer
Epoch: Estimated 8th century BCE
Genre: Epic Poetry
Rendition: Diverse translations by Alexander Pope, Richmond Lattimore, Robert Fagles, among others.
"The Odyssey"
Bard: Homer
Era: Estimated 8th century BCE
Style: Epic Poetry
Rendition: Multiple translations by Robert Fitzgerald, Emily Wilson, Samuel Butler, and more.
"The Aeneid"
Poet: Virgil
Era: 29-19 BCE
Style: Epic Poetry
Rendition: Assorted translations by Robert Fagles, David West, Sarah Ruden, and similar wordsmiths.
"The Divine Comedy"
Bard: Dante Alighieri
Timeframe: 1308-1320
Genre: Narrative Epic Poetry
Rendition: Varying translations by John Ciardi, Dorothy L. Sayers, Allen Mandelbaum, and their ilk.
Poet: Omar Khayyam
Time: 11th century
Style: Persian Quatrains
Rendition: Varied translations by Edward FitzGerald, Peter Avery, A.J. Arberry, and others.
"The Canterbury Tales"
Bard: Geoffrey Chaucer
Time: Late 14th century
Style: Narrative Poetry
Rendition: An array of translations and adaptations exist.
"Paradise Lost"
Poet: John Milton
Year: 1667
Style: Epic Poetry
Rendition: Translated into diverse languages, albeit not in the traditional verse form.
"Songs of Innocence and of Experience"
Poet: William Blake
Timeframe: 1789 (Songs of Innocence), 1794 (Songs of Experience)
Genre: Lyric Poetry
Rendition: Rarely translated due to Blake's unique style and language.
"Leaves of Grass"
Poet: Walt Whitman
Edition: First in 1855, revisions until 1892
Style: Free Verse Poetry
Rendition: Multiple translations across different languages.
"Les Fleurs du Mal" (The Flowers of Evil)
Bard: Charles Baudelaire
Year: 1857
Genre: Symbolist Poetry
Rendition: Varied translations by William Aggeler, Richard Howard, James McGowan, and similar artisans.
"Sonnets from the Portuguese"
Poet: Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Year: 1850
Style: Sonnet Sequence
Translation: Not typically translated due to being in English.
"The Waste Land"
Poet: T.S. Eliot
Year: 1922
Style: Modernist Poetry
Translation: Some translations into other languages exist.
"Collected Poems"
Poet: W.B. Yeats
Year: Various works from late 19th to early 20th century
Style: Various, from lyrical to symbolic poetry
Translation: Various translations are available in different languages.
"Four Quartets"
Poet: T.S. Eliot
Year: 1935-1942
Style: Philosophical Poetry
Translation: some translations into other languages.
"Selected Poems"
Poet: Emily Dickinson
Year: Mid-19th to early 20th century
Style: Lyric Poetry
Translation: Translations exist in various languages.
Poet: Sylvia Plath
Year: 1965
Style: Confessional Poetry
Translation: Translated into several languages.
"The Sun and Her Flowers"
Poet: Rupi Kaur
Year: 2017
Style: Modern Poetry
Translation: Translated into multiple languages.
"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
Poet: T.S. Eliot
Year: 1915
Style: Modernist Poetry
Translation: Available in various languages.
"Howl and Other Poems"
Poet: Allen Ginsberg
Year: 1956
Style: Beat Poetry
Translation: Translated into several languages.
"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"
Poet: Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Year: 1798
Style: Narrative Poetry
Translation: Various translations in different languages.
"The Raven"
Poet: Edgar Allan Poe
Year: 1845
Style: Narrative Poetry
Translation: Translated into many languages.
"Lyrical Ballads"
Poet: William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Year: 1798
Style: Lyrical Poetry
Translation: Available in various languages.
"The Book of Songs"
Poet: Confucius and other ancient Chinese poets
Year: Approx. 6th-5th century BCE
Style: Classical Chinese Poetry
Translation: Various translations exist.
"The Rubaiyat of Rumi"
Poet: Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi
Year: 13th century
Style: Sufi Poetry
Translation: Various translations by Coleman Barks, Reynold Nicholson, etc.
"Selected Poems"
Poet: Pablo Neruda
Year: Various works from 1924 to 1973
Style: Various, from lyrical to political poetry
Translation: Translated into numerous languages.
Poet: Unknown (Old English epic)
Year: Estimated to 700-1000 AD
Style: Epic Poetry
Translation: Translated by Seamus Heaney, J.R.R. Tolkien, etc.
"Canzoniere" (Song Book)
Poet: Petrarch
Year: 14th century
Style: Petrarchan Sonnets
Translation: Various translations exist.
"Selected Poems"
Poet: Langston Hughes
Year: Various works from the 1920s to the 1960s
Style: Harlem Renaissance Poetry
Translation: Translated into various languages.
"The Ballad of Reading Gaol"
Poet: Oscar Wilde
Year: 1898
Style: Narrative Poetry
Translation: Available in various languages.
"Selected Poems"
Poet: Arthur Rimbaud
Year: Late 19th century
Style: Symbolist Poetry
Translation: Various translations by Wallace Fowlie, Oliver Bernard, etc.